23153. Wilson


  1. William Wilson m. ____; Penrith, Cumb., Eng.
  2. William Wilson (ca. 1515–1587) m. ____; Welbourn, Lincs., Eng.
  3. Mary Wilson (ca. 1560–1613) m. (1) bef. 1583 Rev. Guy Briscoe (ca. 1555–1595); Sundridge, Rochester, Wouldham, Kent, Eng.


The basic chronological summary of this lineage is Joseph Gardner Bartlett, Ancestry and Descendants of Rev. John Wilson of Boston, Mass., New England Historical and Genealogical Register 61 (1907): 36-41. However, several refinements on Mary Wilson in particular now appear in Austin W. Spencer, Maureen Markt Dearborn, and David Curtis Dearborn, William¹ Briscoe of Boston, Massachusetts, His English Origin, and the Brisko and Wilson Families of Cumberland, New England Historical and Genealogical Register 178 (2024): 5-51. Among other things, this research disputes that the references to William Collins, prebendary of Rochester Cathedral, as a cousin in the will of the Rev. William Wilson, Mary’s brother, reflect a relationship through an otherwise unknown maternal line, as proposed by John Brooks Threlfall, An Extension of the Sheafe Ancestry, New England Historical and Genealogical Register 137 (1983): 296, and the same writer’s The Ancestry of Reverend Henry Whitfield (1590–1657) and His Wife Dorothy Sheafe (159?–1669) of Guilford, Connecticut (Madison, Wisc., 1989), 51, 95.

Related surnames

1447. Briscoe

Created 16 April 2024.
Austin W. Spencer | email: spencer@rootedancestry.com