2971. Butterworth


  1. Henry Butterworth (ca. 1570–1633) m. Ephan Hileley (d. 1639); Halifax, Yorks., Eng.
  2. Henry Butterworth (1602–ca. 1636) m. Mary Longbotham (ca. 1600–1687); Halifax, Yorks., Eng.; Weymouth, Mass.
  3. Mary Butterworth (ca. 1628–1714) m. Sampson Mason (d. 1676); Rehoboth, Mass.


The English origin of this family is newly established by Clifford L. Stott, Henry¹ Butterworth of Halifax, Yorkshire, and Weymouth, Massachusetts, New England Historical and Genealogical Register 168 (2014): 58-61. This article builds upon basic works that include Mary Lovering Holman, Ancestry of Col. John Harrington Stevens and His Wife Frances Helen Miller, ed. Winifred Lovering Holman, 2 vols. (privately printed, 1948–52), 1:254-60, and David Kendall Martin, Hannah Bowerman, Wife of Anthony² Fry and of Deacon John² Butterworth of Massachusetts and Rhode Island: Butterworth–Fry–Bowerman–Hoomery, American Genealogist 78 (2002): 302-12. Most recently, William B. Saxbe Jr., Thomas¹ Clifton’s Daughters: Proven, Probable, and Proposed, New England Historical and Genealogical Register 172 (2018): 5-14, describes the documentation of the second marriage of Mary (Longbotham) Butterworth in detail.

Related surnames

1485. Mason

No additional information on the Longbotham and Hileley families is available at this time.

Created 11 June 2003; last updated 16 February 2018.
Austin W. Spencer | email: spencer@rootedancestry.com